![]() Moomin and the Spring Surprise - Pocket
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109 kr
Moomin and the Spring Surprise
Av Tove Jansson
Bok- presentation: |
Moomin and the Spring Surprise |
Författar- presentation: |
Tove Jansson |
Finns i lager,
109 kr
It's winter in Moominvalley and the Moomin family are deep in their Long Winter Sleep, waiting for the sound of Too-Ticky's barrel organ to rouse them, as it did every spring. But when a mysterious ratta-tattle wakes Moomintroll with a start, will he be brave enough to investigate the noise on his own? And what surprises will he find if he does venture outside?
Bok: 303447
Anmäl textfel
Tove Jansson
Hon är mest känd för sina böcker om Mumintrollen, men Tove Jansson är så mycket mer.
Mumintrollet var från början en signatur, en liten figur i hörnet som plötsligt fick eget liv.