Tore Frängsmyr
Fanns det egentligen någon svensk upplysning under 1700-talet? Eller var det intellektuella meningsutbytet strypt av staten och kyrkan? 1700-talet anses vara den tid så moderniteten, el...
Sökandet efter upplysningen : perspektiv på svenskt 1700-tal - Övrigt
154 kr
The Nobel Prizes, awarded annually in Stockholm and Oslo, are internationally recognized as the world's most prestigious civil honours. But what about the man behind them? Alfred Nobel ...
Alfred Nobel - Häftad
Finns i lager,
86 kr
The Nobel Prizes, awarded annually in Stockholm and Oslo, are internationally recognized as the world's most prestigious civil honours. But what about the man behind them? Alfred Nobel ...
Alfred Nobel - Häftad
Finns i lager,
86 kr
The Nobel Prizes, awarded annually in Stockholm and Oslo, are internationally recognized as the world's most prestigious civil honours. But what about the man behind them? Alfred Nobel ...
Alfred Nobel - Häftad
Finns i lager,
86 kr
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