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Psychopathology of everyday life
Av Sigmund Freud
Bok- presentation: |
Psychopathology of everyday life |
Författar- presentation: |
Sigmund Freud |
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Psychopathology of Everyday Life, is a book which passed through four editions in Germany and is considered the author's most popular work. With great ingenuity and penetration the author throws much light on the complex problems of human behavior, and clearly demonstrates that the hitherto considered impassable gap between normal and abnormal mental states is more apparent than real. This translation is made of the fourth German edition, and while the original text was strictly followed, linguistic difficulties often made it necessary to modify or substitute some of the author's cases by examples comprehensible to the English-speaking reader. (Introduction to the translation by A. A. Brill)
Bok: 250292
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