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Dance of the Gods
Av Nora Roberts
Bok- presentation: |
Dance of the Gods |
Författar- presentation: |
Nora Roberts |
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"He saw where the earth was scorched, where it was trampled. He saw his own hoofprints left in the sodden earth when he d galloped through the battle in the form of a horse. And he saw the woman who d ridden him, slashing destruction with a flaming sword."
Blair Murphy has always worked alone. Destined to be a demon hunter in a world that doesn t believe in such things, she lives for the kill. But now, she finds herself the warrior in a circle of six, chosen by the goddess Morrigan to defeat the vampire Lilith and her minions. Learning to trust the others has been hard, for Blair has never allowed herself such a luxury. But she finds herself drawn to Larkin, a man of many shapes. As a horse, he is proud and graceful; as a dragon, beautifully fierce; and as a man well, Blair has never seen one quite so ruggedly handsome and playfully charming as this nobleman from the past. In two months time, the circle of six will face Lilith and her army in Geall. To complete preparations and round up forces to fight, the circle travels through time to Larkin s world, where Blair must choose between battling her overwhelming attraction to him or risking everything for a love that can never be Don t miss the other books in the Circle Trilogy "Morrigan s Cross" "Valley of Silence".
Bok: 270450
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