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Winter Ghosts
Av Kate Mosse

Bok- presentation: |
Winter Ghosts |
Författar- presentation: |
Kate Mosse |
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Förlag: Orion Publishing Group
The Great War took much more than lives. It robbed a generation of friends, lovers and futures. In Freddie Watson's case, it took his beloved brother and, at times, his peace of mind. Unable to cope with his grief, Freddie has spent much of the time since in a sanatorium. In the winter of 1928, still seeking resolution, Freddie is travelling through the French Pyrenees - another region that has seen too much bloodshed over the years. During a snowstorm, his car spins off the mountain road. Shaken, he stumbles into the woods, emerging by a tiny village. There he meets Fabrissa, a beautiful local woman, also mourning a lost generation. Over the course of one night, Fabrissa and Freddie share their stories of remembrance and loss. By the time dawn breaks, he will have stumbled across a tragic mystery that goes back through the centuries. By turns thrilling, poignant and haunting, this is a story of two lives touched by war and transformed by courage.
Utgivningsdatum: 20101028
Bok: 212869
Anmäl textfel
Kate Mosse
Kate Mosse är en Brittisk författare som 2005 slog igenom med romanen Labyrinten, men har sedan debuten 1995 arbetat som författare.