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The Quarry
Av Johan Theorin

Bok- presentation: |
The Quarry |
Författar- presentation: |
Johan Theorin |
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Originaltitel: | Blodläge |
As the last snow melts on the Swedish island of Oland, Per Morner receives a call from his estranged father, Jerry, begging him for help. Per finds Jerry close to death in his blazing woodland studio. He's been stabbed, and two dead bodies are discovered alongside him in the burnt-out building. But the only suspect is confirmed as one of the dead. So why does Jerry, still fearing for his life, insist the man is alive
Per Morner receives a call from his father, begging him for help. Per finds Jerry close to death in his studio and two dead bodies are discovered alongside him. But the only suspect is confirmed as one of the dead. So why does Jerry, still fearing for his life, insist the man is alive?
Bok: 214312
Anmäl textfel
Johan Theorin
Han gjorde succé med debuten "Skumtimmen" 2007 och har sedan dess givit ut en rad romaner. Flera av hans böcker utspelar sig på Öland där han har tillbringat många semestrar och lov i släktens stuga på norra Öland.