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Alex Cross's Trial
Av James Patterson, Richard Dilallo

Bok- presentation: |
Alex Cross's Trial |
Författar- presentation: |
James Patterson |
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From his grandmother, Alex Cross has heard the story of his great-uncle Abraham and his struggles for survival in the era of the Ku Klux Klan. Now, Alex passes the family tale along to his own children in a novel hes written a novel called Trial.
As a lawyer in early-twentieth-century Washington DC, Ben Corbett represents the toughest cases. Fighting against oppression and racism, he risks his family and his life in the process. When President Theodore Roosevelt asks Ben to return to his hometown to investigate rumours of the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan there, he cannot refuse.
Arriving in Eudora, Mississippi, Ben meets the wise Abraham Cross and his beautiful daughter, Moody. Ben enlists their help, and the two Crosses introduce him to the hidden side of the idyllic Southern town. Lynchings have become commonplace and residents of the towns black quarter live in constant fear. Ben aims to break the reign of terror but the truth of who is really behind it could break his heart.
Written in the fearless voice of Detective Alex Cross, Alex Crosss Trial is a gripping story of murder, love, and, above all, bravery.
Bok: 212643
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