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Killing commendatore - a novel
Av Haruki Murakami
Bok- presentation: |
Killing commendatore - a novel |
Författar- presentation: |
Haruki Murakami |
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In Killing Commendatore, a thirty-something portrait painter in Tokyo is abandoned by his wife and finds himself holed up in the mountain home of a famous artist, Tomohiko Amada. When he discovers a previously unseen painting in the attic, he unintentionally opens a circle of mysterious circumstances. To close it, he must complete a journey that involves a mysterious ringing bell, a two-foot-high physical manifestation of an Idea, a dapper businessman who lives across the valley, a precocious thirteen-year-old girl, a Nazi assassination attempt during World War II in Vienna, a pit in the woods behind the artist's home, and an underworld haunted by Double Metaphors. A tour de force of love and loneliness, war and art-as well as a loving homage to The Great Gatsby-Killing Commendatore is a stunning work of imagination from one of our greatest writers.
Bok: 304419
Anmäl textfel
Haruki Murakami
Han är en av Japans mest kända och hyllade nu levande författare. I Sverige och övriga världen slog han igenom med "Norwegian Wood" (1987).
Många beskriver Murakamis berättarstil som "västerländsk" och det är ofta surrealistiskt och influerat av fantasy och science fiction. Annat som kännetecknar hans böcker är nostalgi och en speciell humor.