![]() Fascism and Democracy - Pocket
60 kr
Fascism and Democracy
Av George Orwell
Bok- presentation: |
Fascism and Democracy |
Författar- presentation: |
George Orwell |
60 kr
On the 70th anniversary of George Orwell's death, a new collection of his brilliant essays written during the Second World War
Fascism and Democracy collects five brilliant examples of Orwell's writing during the darkest days of World War Two. Grappling with the principles of democracy and the potential of reform, the meaning of literature and free speech in times of violence, and the sustainability of objective truth, Orwell offers a compelling portrayal of a nation where norms and ideals can no longer be taken for granted. Like the best of Orwell's writing, these essays also serve as timeless reminders of the fragility of freedom.
Bok: 303381
Anmäl textfel
George Orwell
Föddes i Bihar, Indien under tiden för Brittiska styret. Orwells författarskap brukar beskrivas för sin kvickhet, intelligens och politiska aspekt, där han ofta ville peka på orättvisorna i dåtidens totalitära samhällen.