Söker du efter "The Stonecutter" av Camilla Läckberg? Du kan sluta leta. Våra experter i antikvariat hjälper dig eftersöka boken - utan extra kostnad - och den levereras direkt hem i brevlådan.
The Stonecutter
Av Camilla Läckberg

Bok- presentation: |
The Stonecutter |
Författar- presentation: |
Camilla Läckberg |
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Originaltitel: | Stenhuggaren |
The third psychological thriller from No 1 bestselling Swedish crime sensation Camilla Lackberg. The remote resort of Fjallbacka has seen its share of tragedy, though perhaps none worse than that of the little girl found in a fisherman's net. But the post-mortem reveals that this is no case of accidental drowning! Local detective Patrik Hedstrom has just become a father. It is his grim task to discover who could be behind the methodical murder of a child both he and his partner, Erica, knew well. He knows the real question - and answer - lies with why. What he does not know is how this case will reach into the dark heart of Fjallbacka and the town's past, and tear aside its idyllic facade, perhaps forever.
Bok: 213089
Anmäl textfel
Camilla Läckberg
Hon är en av Sveriges mest framgångsrika nutida deckarförfattare. Efter debuten 2003 med "Isprinsessan" har hon skrivit åtta deckare. Den senaste är "Änglamakerskan" (2011).