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The Lion's Mouth
Av Anne Holt

Bok- presentation: |
The Lion's Mouth |
Författar- presentation: |
Anne Holt |
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Hanne Wilhelmsen's fourth investigation brings her into conflict with the highest powers in Norway: what secrets lie behind the death of the Prime Minister?
"Less than six months after taking office, the Norwegian Prime Minister is found dead. She has been shot in the head. But was it a politically motivated assassination or personal revenge? The death shakes the country to its core. The hunt for her killer is complicated, intense and gruelling. Hanne Wilhelmsen must contain the scandal before a private tragedy becomes a public outrage, in what will become the most sensitive case of her career...This is a story of lies, intrigue and politics. The Lion's Mouth questions who holds the power in Norway, and how far they will go to use it."
Bok: 237651
Anmäl textfel
Anne Holt
Den norska mångsysslaren Anne Holt, journalisten, juristen och politikern debuterade litterärt -93 med kriminalromanen "Blind gudinna" i serien om kriminalkommissarien Hanne Wilhelmsen.