Ally Condie
The Last Voyage of Poe Blythe - Pocket
142 kr
The Last Voyage of Poe Blythe - Pocket
133 kr
Summerlost - Pocket
Finns i lager,
111 kr
After leaving the Society and desperately searching for each other - and the Rising - Cassia and Ky have found what they were looking for, but at the cost of losing each other yet again...
Reached - Pocket
109 kr
On her seventeenth birthday, Cassia meets her Match. Society dictates he is her perfect partner for life. Except he's not. In Cassia's society, Officials decide who people love. How man...
Matched - Pocket
109 kr
Samfundet bestämmer. Vem du ska älska. Var du ska arbeta. När du ska dö.
17-åriga Cassia Reyes lever i en värld där Samfundet styr. Ett kliniskt rent samhälle där allt är bestämt på f...
Matchad - Pocket
Finns i lager,
66 kr
Rules are different outside Society. Chasing down an uncertain future, Cassia makes her way to Outer Provinces in pursuit of Ky - taken by the Society to his certain death - only to fin...
Crossed - Pocket
109 kr
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